Sociedades Afiliadas da SBC


FSCLP - Federação das Sociedades de Cardiologia de Língua Portuguesa

ESC - Sociedade Europeia de Cardiologia
Brazilian Society of Cardiology is an affiliated member of the European Society of Cardiology. Individual members of an Affiliated National Societies are entitled to the same Membership advantages as members of the ESC National Societies under the condition that they can provide written confirmation of membership.
Members are invited to discover the ESC Fellowship programme, make use of the ESC Guidelines and discover the ESC Journals and Educational Products and Activities. Find out details about the Congresses and Meetings and subscribe to the My ESC News in order to receive regular newsletters on the ESC activities. Read about the ESC affiliation programme in more details.

FIC - Fundação Interamericana do Coração

FMC - Federação Mundial de Cardiologia (WHF)
The World Heart Federation is a nongovernmental organization committed to helping people achieve a longer and better life through prevention and control of heart disease and stroke, with a focus on low-and middle income countries. Amembership organization comprised of medical societies and heart foundations from over 100 countries, the World Heart Federation is recognized by the World Health Organization as its leading nongovernmental partner in the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease

SIC - Sociedade Interamericana de Cardiologia

SSC - Sociedade Sulamericana de Cardiologia


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Última atualização: 31/3/2025